This section contains topics that describe all of the objects that make up the development environment of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016.

Defining the Data Model

To See

Learn about how to define the data model on which you build your application.


Presenting the Data

To See

Read about how you create pages and work in Page Designer.


Read about how to create reports in Report Dataset Designer and Visual Studio Report Designer.


Writing Code

To See

Learn about codeunits, modifying codeunits, adding variables, and functions.


Read more about C/AL, the programming language that you use in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

Programming in C/AL

Learn how to extend Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

Extending Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Getting Data In and Out of the Database

To See

Learn about Web services.

Web Services

Understand what XMLports are used for and how to create them.


Learn how to create and use Query objects.


Working with Menus

To See

Learn how to present functionality in menus to the user.


See Also