Specifies if the warehouse shipment line is for assembly items that are assembled to a sales order before it is shipped.

In assemble-to-order scenarios for advanced warehouse installations, it is assumed that a worker in the shipping department controls when and how many assembled items to ship for a specified sales order. In these scenarios, you cannot change the contents of the Quantità da assemblare field on the related assembly order. Instead, you can change the Qtà da spedire field on the warehouse shipment line. This field controls how many units to assemble, and the specified quantity is posted as assembly output when the warehouse shipment is posted. For more information, see Handling Assemble-to-Order Items in Warehouse Shipments.

The sales order line may contain additional quantities that are already available and must be shipped from inventory. For more information, see Procedura: Vendere gli articoli di magazzino nei flussi assemblaggio su ordine. In that case, a second warehouse shipment line exists on the warehouse shipment document for the sales order, which represents the inventory part of the sales line quantity.

Informazioni aggiuntive

If the sales line quantity includes both assemble-to-order quantities and inventory quantities, then the warehouse shipment for that sales order line contains the following lines:

  • One line for the assemble-to-order quantity.
  • One line for the inventory quantity.

In that case, the Assemblaggio su ordine field is selected on the warehouse shipment line for the assemble-to-order quantity.

For more information about combination scenarios, see Assemblaggio su ordine o assemblaggio per magazzino.


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